What I Read This Weekend…The Reluctant Prince by Dani-Lyn Alexander

Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at 10.09.09 PMFor some reason it took me longer to read this book. I think part of it was because I was ok stopping which is rare.


This book was very fast-paced. The storyline kept moving and moving. I liked it though because it was different than a lot of other books that I liked.


I really liked how Ryleigh was spelt. Also there wasn’t a lot of freaking out on her end about the situation. I hate the required 10-page freak out about the situation. I really appreciated the relationship that she has with her sister. I really wanted more from the relationship between Jackson and Ryleigh. There were very few moments between them and I think it would be important to see more of their relationship.


There was some world-building in this book, but nothing too confusing. I think it would have been helpful to talk more about what makes Jackson different or the people in this other realm special. This book was all about not wasting time which I liked. I hate time-wasting in this book.


There will be a sequel so I am so excited for it!


Note: I received a free copy of this book in return for an honest review!